| DEC 1 | American Political Science Assoc.: Congressional Fellowships (for Journalists, Communications Journalists, and Political Scientists) - Email - Abstract | 202/483-2512 | |
| DEC 1 | 202/606-8570 | ||
| DEC 1 | Newberry Library: Lloyd Lewis Fellowships in American History - Email - Abstract | 312/255-3666 | |
| DEC 1 | Newberry Library: National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowships - Email - Abstract | 312/255-3666 | |
| DEC 1 | Newberry Library: Audrey Lumsden-Kouvel Fellowship - Email - Abstract | 312/255-3666 | |
| DEC 1 | Kennan Institute: Title VIII Research Scholarships [Ph.D.] - Email - Abstract | 202/691-4100 | |
| DEC 1 | Virginia Foundation for the Humanities: Residential Fellows - Email | 434/243-5526 | |
| DEC 1 | Woodson Institute for African-American & African Studies: Predoctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowships - Email - Abstract | 434/924-3109 | |
| DEC 3 | Japan Foundation: Exhibitions Abroad Support - Email | 212/489-0299 | |
| DEC 6 | Div. of Research Programs: Collaborative Research Grants - Email - Abstract | 202/606-8200 | |
| DEC 6 | Scholarly Editions and Translations - Email | 202/606-8200 | |
| DEC15 | Bibliographical Society of America: Fellowship Program - Email - Abstract | 212/452-2710 | |
| DEC15 | Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation: Grants for Independent Research on Venetian History and Culture - Email - Abstract | 212/687-0011 | |
| DEC15 | John Carter Brown Library: Short-Term and Long-Term Research Fellowships - Email - Abstract | 401/863-2725 | |
| JAN 3 | Yale University: Agrarian Studies Postdoctoral Fellowships - Email - Abstract | 203/432-9833 | |
| JAN 9 | America's Historical and Cultural Organizations: Planning Grants - Email | 202/606-8269 | |
| JAN 9 | America's Historical and Cultural Organizations: Implementation Grants - Email | 202/606-8269 | |
| JAN 9 | America's Media Makers: Development Grants - Email - Abstract | 202/606-8269 | |
| JAN 9 | America's Media Makers: Production Grants - Email - Abstract | 202/606-8269 | |
| JAN11 | Harvard University/Houghton Library: Visiting Fellowships - Email - Abstract | 617/495-2441 | |
| JAN15 | American Antiquarian Society: Short-Term Visiting Academic Research F'ships - Email - Abstract | 508/755-5221 | |
| JAN15 | American Research Center in Egypt: Fellowship Program - Email | 210/821-7000 | |
| JAN15 | Museum Grants for African American History and Culture - Email | 202/653-4703 | |
| JAN15 | Samuel H. Kress Foundation: History of Art Grants Program - Email - Abstract - ALSO DUE: APR15 OCT15 | 212/861-4993 | |
| JAN15 | Samuel H. Kress Foundation: Conservation Grants Program - Email - Abstract - ALSO DUE: APR15 OCT15 | 212/861-4993 | |
| JAN15 | Newberry Library: Short-Term Resident Fellowships for Individual Research - Email - Abstract | 312/255-3666 | |
| JAN15 | Newberry Library: Frances C. Allen Fellowships - Email - Abstract | 312/255-3666 | |
| JAN15 | Newberry Library: Arthur and Lila Weinberg Fellowship for Independent Scholars - Email - Abstract | 312/255-3666 | |
| JAN15 | Newberry Library: American Society for 18th Century Studies Fellowships - Email - Abstract | 312/255-3666 | |
| JAN15 | Newberry Library: Lester J. Cappon Fellowship in Documentary Editing - Email - Abstract | 312/255-3666 | |
| JAN15 | Arthur and Janet Holzheimer Fellowship in the History of Cartography - Email - Abstract | 312/255-3666 | |
| JAN15 | New York State Archives: Larry J. Hackman Research Residency Program - Email - Abstract | 518/473-7091 | |
| JAN15 | Smithsonian Institution: Guggenheim Fellowship, National Air & Space Museum - Email - Abstract | ||
| JAN15 | Smithsonian Institution: A. Verville F'ship, National Air & Space Museum - Email - Abstract | ||
| JAN15 | Vanderbilt University: Robert Penn Warren Center for the Humanities - 2013/2014 William S. Vaughn Visiting Fellowship - Email - Abstract | 615/343-6060 | |
| JAN15 | Winterthur Museum, Garden, & Library: Research Fellowship Program - Email - Abstract | 302/888-4637 | |
| JAN28 | Center for Chinese Studies: Postdoctoral Fellowship (in residence at University of California, Berkeley) - Email - Abstract | 510/643-6321 | |
| FEB 1 | American Center of Oriental Research (Amman) - Fellowships - Email | 617/353-6571 | |
| FEB 1 | William Andrews Clark Memorial Library: Postdoctoral Fellowships in 17th and 18th Century Studies - Email | 323/731-8529 | |
| FEB 1 | National Trust for Historic Preservation: National Trust Preservation Funds - Email - Abstract - ALSO DUE: JUN 1 OCT 1 | 202/588-6000 | |
| FEB 4 | American Political Science Association: Small Research Grant Program - Email - Abstract | 202/483-2512 | |
| FEB 6 | Short-Term Travel Grants (E. Europe and Eurasia) - Email - Abstract | 202/628-8188 | |
| FEB 8 | American Jewish Archives: Fellowship Program - phone ext. 304 - Email - Abstract | 513/221-7444 | |
| FEB15 | American Historical Association: Bernadotte E. Schmitt Grants for Research in European, African, or Asian History - Email - Abstract | 202/544-2422 | |
| FEB15 | American Historical Association: Albert J. Beveridge Award for Research in the History of the Western Hemisphere - Email - Abstract | 202/544-2422 | |
| FEB15 | American Historical Association: The Littleton-Griswold Research Grant for Research in U.S. Legal History - Email - Abstract | 202/544-2422 | |
| FEB20 | 202/606-8309 | ||
| FEB28 | Univ. of Edinburgh: Visiting Research F'ships in the Humanities (Hope Park Square, Edinburgh EH8 9NW Scotland, U.K.) - Email | ||
+ | MAR 1 | American Philos. Society: Phillips Fund Grants for Native American Research - Email - Abstract | 215/440-3429 | |
+ | MAR 1 | American Philosophical Society: Library Resident Research Fellowships - Abstract | 215/440-3400 | |
+ | MAR 1 | The Dirksen Congressional Center: Congressional Research Awards - Email - Abstract | 309/347-7113 | |
+ | MAR 1 | Folger Shakespeare Library: Research Fellowships - Email - Abstract - ALSO DUE: NOV 1 | 202/675-0348 | |
+ | MAR 1 | Woodrow Wilson Center: East European Studies Short-term Rsch. Scholarships - Email - Abstract - ALSO DUE: SEP 1 JUN 1 DEC 1 | 202/691-4170 | |
+ | MAR 1 | Kennan Institute: Short-Term Grants - Email - Abstract - ALSO DUE: JUN 1 SEP 1 DEC 1 | 202/691-4100 | |
+ | MAR 1 | St. Louis Univ./Vatican Film Library: Mellon Fellowship - Email - Abstract - ALSO DUE: JUN 1 OCT 1 | 314/977-3090 | |
+ | MAR 5 | Landmarks of American History and Culture: Workshops for School Teachers - Email | 202/606-8380 | |
+ | MAR 5 | National Endowment for the Humanities: Summer Seminars and Institutes - Email - Abstract | 202/606-8471 | |
+ | MAR 7 | Institutes for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities - - Email - Abstract | ||
+ | MAR10 | Samuel H. Kress Foundation: Conservation Fellowships (internships) - Email - Abstract | 212/861-4993 | |
+ | MAR15 | Gerald R. Ford Foundation: Research Travel Grants Program - Email - Abstract - ALSO DUE: SEP15 | 734/205-0578 |